Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finally have time to get this thing up and running...

You know. I've had this blog for a while now and haven't really posted on it (I guess I really rely on MySpace and Facebook too much). But anyways, I just wanted to give you guys an update on my life.... I am currently 16 years old and am going into my junior year in high school. I just finished my sophmore year with a 3.5. I am soooo glad school is over now and that I can finally relax and just play basketball and what not. Sooooo.... what have I been up to lately? Well, as I said school just finished and that was exciting. Also, last week, I went on a trip to Santa Cruz Island with some of the Venturers at Church. That was a really cool trip. I did a little Kayaking and a good amount of hiking, and got an average of 11.5 hours of sleep per night. Yesterday I got back into basketball and had a pretty good practice and now I already have a game today. Speaking of which I should probably get going but I'll be back sometime this week to post again. Later guys.

1 comment:

Kissed By A Prince said...

Cool picture, Bryce. Hope you have a good summer. Love you lots. mom